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Novatec Cyber Security

Online course: Surfing the Internet Safely

This training course uses an interactive story to raise your employees' awareness of how to use the internet safely. They will receive valuable tips on how to protect themselves against malware, scams, data theft and cyberbullying. As they accompany the protagonist Tim through his working day, they learn how to recognize unsafe websites, work safely on the move and identify risky file extensions.

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Surfing the Internet Safely: Why is this course important?

Safe internet browsing is crucial for everyday work as it forms the foundation for protecting personal and business data. The Cyber Security course "Safe Browsing on the Internet" covers the most important security aspects that must be considered when using the internet. The course addresses the following essential topics and provides valuable guidelines for secure and efficient daily work.

Fake Shops
Fake shops are fraudulent online stores designed to deceive unsuspecting buyers and steal their payment information. The course teaches participants how to recognize these websites by looking for specific warning signs, such as unrealistically low prices, missing legal information, and unusual payment conditions. This knowledge helps employees make safer online purchasing decisions.

Malicious software, or malware, poses a significant threat on the internet. The course explains the various types of malware, such as viruses, worms, and trojans, and how they infiltrate systems. Participants learn how to protect their devices using antivirus programs, regular software updates, and secure browsing habits.

Dangerous File Extensions
Dangerous file extensions are another critical topic. Files with extensions like .exe, .bat, or .scr can contain harmful programs. The course shows how to identify suspicious files and what precautions to take before opening or downloading them.

Cyberstalking involves harassing individuals via the internet. The course offers strategies to detect and avoid cyberstalking, including securing personal information and using privacy settings on social networks. This protects employees' privacy and personal well-being.

Password Security
One of the most important measures for safe browsing is password security. The course teaches best practices for creating strong passwords and using password managers. The importance of two-factor authentication (2FA) is also highlighted to provide additional protection for online accounts.

Mobile Working
Working on the go, especially using public Wi-Fi networks, carries specific risks. The course explains how to work safely from remote locations by using VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) and ensuring only secure and encrypted networks are used. Additionally, it covers how to protect mobile devices against loss and theft.

Cyberbullying is not only an issue for teenagers but can also occur in the workplace. The course raises awareness of the signs of cyberbullying and offers advice on how to respond and seek help. A supportive and safe work environment enhances productivity and employee well-being.

Secure Websites
Lastly, the course covers how to identify secure websites. Participants learn what features to look for, such as HTTPS encryption, valid security certificates, and trustworthy domain names. This knowledge reduces the risk of falling victim to phishing or other fraudulent activities.

The Cyber Security course "Safe Browsing on the Internet" is essential for any employee who regularly works online. The knowledge and skills taught in the course help ensure the security of sensitive data and systems, protecting both personal and business information from cyber threats. Given the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks, this course provides the necessary knowledge and tools to surf the internet safely and securely.

More online courses

In addition to this comprehensive training, we offer a variety of other online courses to improve your professional skills. Our courses cover a wide range of topics. Each course has been developed by industry experts and provides practical knowledge and skills that you can immediately apply to your work.

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