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Novatec Cyber Security

Online course: Safe Working in the Home Office

In this 3D training course, your employees will learn how to implement important basic rules of information security when working from home. An entertaining, interactive story raises their awareness of the essential basics. In addition, elements placed in the 3D environment provide detailed knowledge on topics such as clear desk policy, document destruction, updates, router and printer settings. Using concrete examples, your employees will learn how they can best protect important data at home and protect your company from damage.

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Safe Working in the Home Office: Why is this course important?

In today's work environment, where working from home is increasingly becoming the norm, cybersecurity is of paramount importance. The Cyber Security course "Safe Working from Home" is essential for everyday work. This course provides comprehensive training on the key security aspects that must be considered when working from home. The following topics are covered in the course and are indispensable for a secure and efficient workday.

Monitor/Screen Placement
The placement of the monitor at home is crucial to ensure that confidential information cannot be viewed by unauthorized persons. The course teaches how to position the monitor so that sensitive data is protected, especially when working near windows or other easily visible areas.

Clear Desk Policy
A clear desk policy is essential to keep the workspace tidy and secure. The course emphasizes the importance of clearing the desk of confidential documents and devices at the end of the workday to minimize the risk of data loss or unauthorized access.

Private IT Devices
Using private IT devices for professional purposes carries numerous risks. The course explains how to set up and use these devices securely. This includes measures such as installing security software, regular updates, and separating private and professional data.

Document Destruction
Physical documents must also be disposed of securely when working from home. The course shows how to properly destroy sensitive documents to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. This includes shredding paper documents and securely disposing of data carriers.

Digital Assistants
Digital assistants like Alexa or Google Home can pose a security risk as they can listen to and record conversations. The course explains how to use these devices securely or deactivate them to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive conversations.

Web Conferences
Web conferences are indispensable in the home office but also vulnerable to security breaches. The course provides best practices for secure online meetings, including using passwords, encrypted connections, and caution when sharing screens and files.

A secure router is the backbone of a secure home network. The course shows how to properly configure the router, which security protocols to use, and how to perform regular firmware updates to ensure network security.

The laptop is often the main work device in the home office. The course provides guidelines for secure use, including setting up firewalls, antivirus programs, and regular system updates. It also explains how to physically secure the laptop to prevent theft.

Printers can also be a gateway for cyberattacks. The course explains how to securely configure printers, including using network security features and securely handling printed documents.

The Cyber Security course "Safe Working from Home" is of great importance to anyone who regularly works from home. The knowledge and skills conveyed in the course help ensure the security of sensitive data and systems. This protects not only employees but also companies from potential security incidents. At a time when cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, this course is an indispensable tool for a secure workday in the home office.

More online courses

In addition to this comprehensive training, we offer a variety of other online courses to improve your professional skills. Our courses cover a wide range of topics. Each course has been developed by industry experts and provides practical knowledge and skills that you can immediately apply to your work.

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