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Novatec Cyber Security

Online course: Safe conduct at customer meetings

In this interactive training course, your employees accompany the protagonist Chloe to a customer appointment. Together with Chloe, they learn how they can protect sensitive data through their behavior, even in unfamiliar environments. In addition to the actual meeting, this course also covers the preparation and follow-up work.

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Safe conduct at customer meetings: Why is this course important?

The Cyber Security course "Safe conduct at customer meetings" is crucial in everyday work as it aims to protect sensitive information and IT devices during client visits. With the increasing threat of cyberattacks, employees must know how to conduct themselves securely during various stages of a client meeting. The course covers the following essential areas and provides comprehensive training and practical tips for safeguarding sensitive data.

Preparing IT Devices
Preparing IT devices before a client meeting is essential. The course demonstrates how to ensure that all devices, such as laptops and tablets, have the latest security updates. It emphasizes the necessity of encrypting sensitive data to protect it in case of loss or theft. Participants also learn how to create and use secure passwords and the importance of two-factor authentication (2FA) for additional protection.

On the Way to the Client
During the journey to the client, IT devices and documents are particularly vulnerable to theft or loss. The course offers practical advice on how to transport devices securely and avoid drawing attention. This includes using lockable bags and cases and exercising caution when using public transportation and busy areas. The secure handling of mobile devices and the use of VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) for safe connections on the go are also discussed.

Meeting Room
Upon arrival in the meeting room, employees must ensure that they do not inadvertently disclose confidential information. The course explains how to check the meeting room for potential security risks and take measures to mitigate them. This includes placing devices and documents out of sight of unauthorized individuals, using screen protectors and password protection for laptops, and securely using presentation technologies while avoiding open Wi-Fi networks.

Many security risks can arise during a presentation, especially when sharing sensitive information. The course teaches how to design and conduct presentations securely. This includes using access restrictions for digital presentations, controlling who can access the presented information, and securely handling Q&A sessions to avoid disclosing confidential information. Participants also learn how to ensure the security of their presentation devices and prevent unauthorized access.

After the Meeting
After the meeting, it is important to ensure that no confidential information is left behind or forgotten. The course provides guidelines on how to check the meeting room to ensure all documents and devices are collected. It also covers the secure storage and transmission of data gathered during the meeting. Employees learn how to safely shut down their devices and encrypt data before transferring or storing it.

The Cyber Security course "Secure Conduct During Client Meetings" is essential for all employees who regularly visit clients. The knowledge and skills imparted in the course help ensure the security of sensitive data and IT devices, protecting both employees and companies from potential security incidents. In an era where cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, this course provides the necessary knowledge and tools to conduct client meetings securely and protect confidential information.

More online courses

In addition to this comprehensive training, we offer a variety of other online courses to improve your professional skills. Our courses cover a wide range of topics. Each course has been developed by industry experts and provides practical knowledge and skills that you can immediately apply to your work.

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