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Novatec Cyber Security

Online course: The EU General Data Protection Regulation

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes a uniform data protection law throughout the European Union and applies to all organizations that process the personal data of EU citizens. This training provides your employees with basic, practical knowledge of this legislation. Topics covered include data security and confidentiality, the right of access and erasure and the lawfulness of processing personal data.

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The EU General Data Protection Regulation: Why is this course important?

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a cornerstone of modern data protection and is crucial for everyday work. The Cyber Security course "The EU General Data Protection Regulation" equips employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand and implement GDPR requirements. This course covers the following essential areas:

The Market Principle
The market principle states that the GDPR applies to any company processing personal data of individuals within the EU, regardless of whether the company itself is located in the EU. The course explains the importance of this principle and how companies can ensure GDPR compliance even if they operate outside the EU.

Address List
Proper management of address lists is vital for data protection. The course shows how to create, maintain, and use address lists to meet data protection requirements. This includes obtaining consent from data subjects and regularly reviewing the lists.

Personal Data
Personal data encompasses any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. The course explains what constitutes personal data and how it can be securely processed and protected.

Special Categories of Personal Data
Special categories of personal data, such as health data or information about ethnic origin, require additional protection. The course covers how such data can be processed and the extra security measures needed.

Data Protection Roles
There are various roles in data protection, including data protection officers, controllers, and processors. The course describes the responsibilities of these roles and how they work together to ensure data protection within the company.

Principles for Processing Personal Data
The processing of personal data must adhere to certain principles, such as lawfulness, purpose limitation, data minimization, and transparency. The course details these principles and demonstrates how they can be applied in practice.

Rights of the Data Subject and Duties of the Controller
The GDPR grants data subjects specific rights, such as the right to access, rectify, and delete their data. The course covers these rights and the duties of controllers to ensure that the rights of data subjects are upheld.

Data Transfer to Non-EU Countries
Transferring personal data to countries outside the EU is subject to strict regulations. The course explains the conditions under which such transfers are permissible and the measures that must be taken to ensure data protection.

The Data Protection Officer
Many companies are required to appoint a data protection officer to ensure GDPR compliance. The course outlines the tasks and responsibilities of a data protection officer and how they support the company’s data protection strategy.

The Cyber Security course "The EU General Data Protection Regulation" is essential for any company that processes personal data. The knowledge and skills provided in the course help employees understand and implement GDPR requirements, ensuring legal compliance and strengthening customer trust. Given the stringent data protection requirements of the GDPR, this course provides the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively manage data protection in everyday work.

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