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Novatec Cyber Security

Online course: CEO Fraud

CEO fraud, also known as "executive fraud", is a worldwide phenomenon. Originally occurring in the USA, criminals posing as CEOs scammed billions of euros. Since 2016, these cases of fraud have also been on the rise in Europe, with various German companies already losing millions. With the interactive training course on CEO fraud, you can raise your employees' awareness of this issue and reduce the risk of falling victim to this scam. The course provides important background information and relevant guidelines on the correct behavi

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CEO Fraud: Why is this course important?

The Cyber Security course "CEO Fraud" is crucial in everyday work as it educates employees about one of the most dangerous and rapidly growing forms of cyber fraud. CEO Fraud, also known as "Business Email Compromise" (BEC), aims to deceive employees by impersonating high-ranking executives. The course covers the following essential areas and provides valuable information and strategies for prevention and response to such attacks.

Modus Operandi of Perpetrators
The perpetrators' modus operandi in CEO Fraud is sophisticated and targeted. Attackers use information from social networks, corporate websites, and other sources to gain detailed knowledge about the company and its hierarchy. They create convincing emails or other forms of communication that appear to come from a high-ranking executive, aiming to trick employees into divulging confidential information or making unauthorized transfers. The course demonstrates how these attacks unfold and the techniques used by perpetrators to deceive their victims.

Prevention is key to defending against CEO Fraud. The course provides comprehensive prevention strategies that companies can implement to protect themselves. This includes training employees to raise awareness of the dangers of CEO Fraud, establishing clear communication protocols, and using technical security measures such as email authentication and spam filters. Participants learn how to recognize suspicious messages and the steps to take to prevent potential attacks.

3 Steps to Protection
The course outlines three essential steps to protect against CEO Fraud. First: Verify. Employees should always verify the sender's identity, especially for unusual or urgent requests. Second: Awareness. A well-informed workforce is less susceptible to fraud. Regular training and updates keep awareness high. Third: Adhere to Processes. Companies should have clear procedures for financial transactions and information releases that require multiple levels of verification and approval.

What to Do in Case of Fraud
In the event of fraud, swift and decisive action is required. The course provides a detailed plan on what to do if CEO Fraud is successfully executed. This includes immediately informing the IT department and management, contacting the bank to stop or reverse the transfer, and reporting the incident to law enforcement. Internal communication and crisis management are also discussed to limit damage and restore trust among employees and business partners.

Using real-world examples and case studies, the course illustrates the various methods and impacts of CEO Fraud. These examples help participants understand the seriousness of the threat and apply the learned principles in practice. By analyzing successful fraud cases, companies can improve their security strategies and identify vulnerabilities.

Statistics and Facts
The course presents current statistics and facts about CEO Fraud to raise awareness of the scope and financial impact of this threat. Statistics on the frequency of such attacks, average losses, and affected industries provide a comprehensive overview and underscore the need for effective protective measures.

The Cyber Security course "CEO Fraud" is indispensable for any company looking to protect itself from this serious threat. The knowledge and strategies provided in the course help significantly reduce the risk of CEO Fraud and ensure the security of corporate finances and confidential information. Given the increasing complexity and frequency of such attacks, this course provides the necessary knowledge and tools to defend effectively and respond quickly and appropriately in the event of an attack.

More online courses

In addition to this comprehensive training, we offer a variety of other online courses to improve your professional skills. Our courses cover a wide range of topics. Each course has been developed by industry experts and provides practical knowledge and skills that you can immediately apply to your work.

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